As a non-profit organization, you need to make your money go as far as possible. Fortunately, the IRS recognizes this, which is why the government allows non-profit organizations to acquire tax-exempt status. The government isn’t going to bestow this status upon your...
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Month: January 2024
How to protect your organization’s intellectual property
It can take a significant amount of time to build brand recognition for your business or organization. Yet, you might find effective strategies for doing so, including using distinctive intellectual property. But whether you’ve created a slogan, a logo, or creative...
What is Underwriters Laboratories?
For generations, Underwriters Laboratories has been an important name in the insurance industry. Now branded as UL Solutions, Underwriters Laboratories, or UL, is a not-for-profit organization with over 100 years of history. In the 1890s, UL’s founder worked with...